Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Gold Transfer FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my gold to another account/server? A: To transfer your gold, you must delete the account that it is on. After the account is deleted (not just set to delete), you will receive an email at the registered email address for the account with a link to transfer your gold. Please note [...]

Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

Travian 3.6 Changes

There are a number of changes to Travian in the latest version known as Travian 3.6. These are explained below: So here goes, and brace yourselves as the changes are… enormous. Changes: Rally point: only 4 troop movements (attacks, raids and reinforcement orders) per building level (only NEW servers, com10 IS included) see also: http://forum.travian.com/showthread.php?t=128867 Status icons for reports, [...]

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

How do Expansion Slots Work?

The purpose of this guide is to explain exactly how village expansions work. Something that seems to confuse a lot of people. In all fairness this is complicated and the official FAQ really does not document it well. Given the frequency that questions about this come up, and the frequency that otherwise experienced players seem [...]

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

Teuton Simple Guide

Guide ini sebagian besar saya ambil dari Nailzzz teuton guide. For Speed server teuton guide waktu yang di sarankan untuk memulai adalah 2 - 3 hari setelah server restart Hari pertama: Bangunan Utama lvl 2: 90 50 75 25 –14:30 Titik temu: [...]

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009


Abbreviation Definition MB Main building Wall Earth Wall / City Wall / Palisade Mill Flour Mill Pal Palace Res Residence Res/Pal Residence or Palace (when either can be used interchangably) WW Wonder of the World via Beginner’s Guide to Travian! - Travian.us:: Forum.

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009


Abbreviation Definition cat / cata / catapult Catapult / Fire Catapult / Trebuchet Clubs / Clubbies / Maces Maceman Druids Druidrider EC Equites Caesaris EI Equites Imperatoris Haeds Haeduan Leg Legionnaire Imp Imperian Mace Maceman Pal Paladin Swords Swordsman TK Teutonic Knights TT Theutates Thunder via Beginner’s Guide to Travian! - Travian.us:: Forum.

Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

Bangsa-bangsa di travian

Kamu dapat memilih diantara 3 bangsa di Travian, yakni Romawi, Galia dan Teuton. Setiap bangsa memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing serta pasukan mereka sangat berbeda. Sangat penting untuk memilih bangsa yang cocok dengan gaya permainanmu. Romawi adalah bangsa di Travian yang paling mudah dimainkan oleh pemula. Dengan tingkat sosial dan perkembangan [...]

Cara delete id di travian

Waduh, akhir-akhir ini lagi seneng-senengnya main travian, jadi yang diomongin travian terus hehehe. Delete ID atau hapus akun? Perlu gak sih? Ya perlu, gak perlu, tergantung sih, kalo emang kamu uda gak sanggup main. Misal waktu kamu register dapet tempat yang tidak strategis, desa tetangga populasinya uda 150 ++ (emang dasar lagi apes >,<). Wah [...]

Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

When should I join an alliance?

Usually, there is no rush to join an alliance. You could wait until your population is 100, even 300. Get to know your area, and join an alliance that is dominant in it. Alliances that have members all over the place aren’t typically as effective as alliances which are clustered in the same area. The [...]

Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

How do I train troops?

To train troops, you need a barracks which requires a level 3 main building and a level 1 rally point. You then click on the barracks and you will see a box with the troop types available to build. In the box provided, enter the number of troops to train. The green number next to this [...]

Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Galia Offensive Guide

Guide ini saya tulis berdasarkan guide Nathan Hamlet. dan sudah di praktekan di comx atau speed server, jadi untuk para pembaca, tidak perlu post “ah… mana mungkin” atau “teori mah gampang, prakteknya dong!” Start: pada dasarnya, kami melihat ada 3 tahap di dunia travian. Guide ini hanya akan membahas tahap pertama (hari 1 - hari 60). Kami melihat [...]

Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Travian Team

Abbreviation Definition Admin Administrator Mod Moderator MH Multihunter The Multihunter is the game operator of a world. They search for cheaters and ban them, as well as helping to fix any bugs that occur. S-Mod Super-Moderator Supporters Players who answer ingame questions sent to Support via Beginner’s Guide to Travian! - Travian.us:: Forum.

Guide to Using Catapults

Everyone loves catapults, but there really is a right way and a wrong way to use them. There are really only four reasons to use them. To Crop, Chief, or Zero a village and also for fake attacks. I am sure some will disagree with this, but that is why this is only a guide [...]

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009


note : guide ini khusus nubie yg hanya bisa maen 1-3 jam dalam sehari silakan dicoba : Hari pertama Nah, baru maen kan? Ikutin tuh petualangan dari Questmaster yg pake tameng gede di kanan. Normalnya sih, hari pertama paling mentok sampe petualangan ke 10 ( lupa saya, pokoknya yg disuruh nunggu pasukan besar datang<padahal cma 1 tikus>) ikutin semua petunjuk [...]

Keuntungan-keuntungan dengan gold

Fitur TravianPlus Pembangunan Berulang Pembangunan Berulang     Pembangunan berulang memungkinkan kamu untuk memerintahkan para pekerja untuk membangun bangunan berikutnya. Setelah mereka menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang pertama dan beristirahat sebentar (60 detik), mereka akan mulai melakukan pekerjaan berikutnya. pra perhitungan sumberdaya pra perhitungan sumberdaya     Jika kamu tidak memiliki sumber daya yang mencukupi untuk membangun bangunan, kamu akan diberikan informasi waktu [...]

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

What’s the deal with attacking?

After Beginners Protection expires, your village can be attacked. Attacking is central to the game, as it is the method with which people and alliances establish dominance. A form of attacking, called farming, exponentially increases the amount of resources coming into your villages. There are very few rules regarding attacking. Anyone can attack anyone as many [...]

Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

What is a sitter?

A sitter is someone who looks after your account while you are offline. To set someone up as your sitter, go to ‘Profile’ then ‘Account’ and scroll down until you find the section labeled Account Sitters. Enter the username of the person that you wish to be your sitter in the box provided and click save. They [...]

Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

Heroes: All You Need To Know

A short simple guide, discussing all you need to know about your hero. Any other points which you think may be helpful to someone reading this guide, please tell me and I will make sure they are added, thank you. Index * The Basics * Attacks & Annexing * Experience & Levels The Basics - A hero can be trained from a [...]

Behind Closed Doors: Travian and Espionage

Introduction Since the dawn of time, understanding an enemy has been a prized trait. It could be said that humans became the dominant species on earth because we were able to understand and decimate or conquer so many of our enemies, both natural and man-made. With the invention of warfare, this became all that much more important. [...]

Brief Guide To Differing Hammer Setups

So here I’ll be briefly going over a couple of the more common hammer setups. Why? Because I like smashing things, and I assume that you do too. Training a Hammer in several villages. Believe it or not, having one 5000 troop hammer is ~much~ more powerful than having five 1000 troop hammers throughout your villages. Don’t [...]

Heroes: An Explanation

*Credit for this guide goes to conquerer7 of the travian.us forum for this guide, but the original copy is from travian.org as is stated below* Introduction Heroes are extremely strong units that can really pack a punch. To train a hero, first you will need a Heroes Mansion. Then, you will need one unit to train into [...]

Catapult Wave Splitting Guide (micro-reining)

What I’m about to discuss here is one of the hardest tricks in the game, and even when you do everything right, it’s still possible to screw it up. The principle is similar to dodging, but much harder to execute. This should be practiced by everyone that isn’t familiar with the tactic until you feel comfortable [...]

Artifacts FAQ

Question: Does the bonus given by my “Stronger Buildings” artifact apply to my wall as well? Answer: Yes it does. Question: I own 2 artifacts of the same type, i.e. “Faster Troops”. One has the scope village and one has the scope account. What happens? Answer: The effects are not added. The village containing the Village “Faster Troops” artifact [...]

Cheat bermain travian

Cheat travian yang dimaksud bukan cheat seperti game-game biasa, bukan instant langsung dapat banyak gandum, kayu, besi, atau liat. Cheat yang dimaksud hanya memudahkan untuk bermain travian. Dalam dunia travian cheat-nya berbentik script, untuk menjalankan script ini harus menggunakan browser mozila firefox terbaru dan sebuah add-on greasemonkey. add-on tersebut dapat didownload disini https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748. Jika sudah [...]

Information on Artifacts for T3.5

Hey All, Hopefully this thread will clear up the questions we’ve had about Artifacts and provide you with a reference when you need to look them up whilst playing. First the names of all the new artifacts, in the following format: Name of the Village you will find them in Short description of the artifacts bonus Small: Name of Small [...]

Overview of the Artifacts Effects

Sanctuary of the Architect All buildings in the area of effect are stronger. This means that you will need more catapults to damage buildings protected by this artifact’s powers. Small: Diamond Chisel (4 times stronger) Large: Giant Marble Hammer (3 times stronger) Unique: Hemon’s Scrolls (5 times stronger) Sanctuary of the General All troops in the area of effect move faster. Small: [...]

Loyalty Factors

Thanks to anaracaix from forum.travian.com for this guide and information. The factors for loyalty are: 1. tribe of the attacker 2. a random factor 3. big party/parties of the attacker 4. big party of the defender 5. the difference of the total population between attacker and defender at 1: It is said, that the normal percentage a senator/chief/chieftain takes is: a) between 20-30% [...]


Abbreviation Definition 1337 leet/l33t (”Elite”) afaik As Far As I Know afk Away From Keyboard aka Also Known As asap As Soon As Possible Banning To deny access for someone for a certain period brb Be Right Back btw By The Way dc (or) d/c Disconnect flame/flaming Posting messages that are deliberately hostile/insulting gl Good Luck IMO / IMHO In My (Humble) Opinion IGN In-Game Name IIRC If I Remember Correctly irc Internet Relay Chat kick To throw someone from a channel (chat) lol Laugh Out Loud Netiquette The conventions of politeness [...]